Masonic Jewel

Happy belated Diwali, Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your family and friends. During the holiday season our brethren embrace charity and display it to the world. Jephtha continues to help our Veterans and our fellow man with our generous donations. In the midst of a pandemic, we were able to make a difference in the world with our Food and Coat Drive by helping the less fortunate. My brothers, this teaches us that even in the darkest night, our Masonic light shines bright. I thank you all for your continuing support and love of our Craft.

December brings even more joyous events as we embark upon year’s end. Our stated communication of December 13, 2021, will not be at the lodge this year. Jephtha will join the Masonic Suffolk District Long Island Past Masters Association in Sayville for a Holiday Gala. There is a cost for attending this event so please contact our secretary if you plan on attending as seats are limited.

Jephtha will end 2021 with a blast as we bring back New Year’s Eve on December 31, 2021, from 8 PM until midnight, at Jephtha Lodge. All lodges, friends & families of Masons are invited. I hope to see many of you there to ring in the New Year! Health and wellness are all I wish for you and your families. May brotherly love prevail!

See you all again in 2022!

Sincerely & Fraternally Yours,
W:. Jeremiah Campbell




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